The name of Minerva Sachs always be associated with a concept design that dare to differ with the other motor. Strength is what encourages Minerva Sachs obtain 3 (three) awards to Mr. Testo Award 2010. In the nomination of Minerva Sachs entered in four categories, Minerva Sachs MadAss 125 (ducks 110-125 cc), Minerva GTR 150 (Skutik 125-150 cc), Minerva R 150 VR (Motor Sport 125-180 cc), and Minerva Megelli 250R (Motor Sport 180-250 cc).
Through testing which includes such things as a matter of a new motor that hit the market, became a byword otomania, as well as other data such as the intensity of features, performance levels and certainly kemassalan mounts, then diseleksilah various motors in order to achieve an award in Mr. Testo Award 2010.
Minerva Sachs product design excellence is of course not separated from the joint cooperation with the UK Megelli who always gives a touch of design in every product of Minerva Sachs. Similarly, reliable performance, thanks to the cooperation is carried out by the Minerva with Sachs Germany in developing products Minerva engine to produce engine with international quality standards.
Through testing which includes such things as a matter of a new motor that hit the market, became a byword otomania, as well as other data such as the intensity of features, performance levels and certainly kemassalan mounts, then diseleksilah various motors in order to achieve an award in Mr. Testo Award 2010.
Minerva Sachs product design excellence is of course not separated from the joint cooperation with the UK Megelli who always gives a touch of design in every product of Minerva Sachs. Similarly, reliable performance, thanks to the cooperation is carried out by the Minerva with Sachs Germany in developing products Minerva engine to produce engine with international quality standards.